
Saturday, September 11, 2021

 Title: Superheroes and Villains 


Purpose: To entertain

Audience: Whaea Tamzin 

RT: To include 

NL: To narrate 

Superheroes and Villains

I am Captain Marvel. I got my powers after an epic explosion and I now have enhanced strength, stamina, agility, flight, immune to most toxins and poison and sometimes I have flashes of the future. Eight months ago me and the other Avengers defeated Thanos and Ultron before they could destroy Manhattan.

 I was fast asleep when suddenly the ground started to shake,

 I heard glass shatter and books falling to the ground. The house was shaking violently, it took me a few seconds to realise what was going on, it was an earthquake but why? The bustling city of Manhattan doesn’t have earthquakes. It was strong and felt like it lasted for ages. I was feeling confused and anxious because how was there an earthquake when earthquakes don’t happen here. Me and the fellow Avengers now have the important mission to get to the bottom of what was going on.

I leaped out of bed and took a deep breath to settle my nerves. My ears are ringing from the loud sounds all around me.

My ear piece started ringing, I picked it up, it was Iron Man. He asked me if I felt the earthquake and wanted us to meet as soon as possible. I got out of my apartment and flew to our secret meeting spot. When I got there all the Avengers were waiting for me. 

We start to talk about how the earthquake might have happened because we never get earthquakes in Manhattan.  Once we had finished our Avengers meeting we went off to do some investigating.

Our investigations lead us to an abandoned building just outside of Manhattan in a rough neighbourhood. We were led to the building because of high energy. 

When we got to the building we were forced back by an invisible barrier which stopped us going near it. Suddenly the doors opened and Ultron appeared, he stepped out of the building and said you're too late. I have already started the countdown till my next earthquake.

Now Iron Man, Thor and I have to put our powers together to break the barrier to allow us to get into the building. This wasn't easy but we managed to achieve it.  

As soon as the barrier came down Ultron went back into the building so we charged after him. When we got into the building we saw Thanos was there too. The other Avengers arrived and we started our battle. Thor tossed his hammer and knocked over Ultron while Spider Man trapped him with his web. Captain America used his shield so the Hulk could corner Thanos. Iron Man and I flew over to the machine that they were using to create the earthquakes. We combined our powers and with all our energy we blew up the machine, flames burst into the air and smoke filled the building.  

With the thick smoke Ultron and Thanos managed to escape. 

They won’t be able to make any more earthquakes but it won’t be long until they make another evil plan.  

But when they do we will be here to protect and serve.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome piece of writing Holly! You have done a great job describing Captain Marvel's feelings. Next time, try and have not too many paragraphs. For example some of your smaller paragraphs could have been joined together to form a larger paragraph. I also think you can start to use speech marks (" ") when a character in your story is talking.

    Keep up the awesome work!


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