Dear Supermarkets
Food prices are getting expensive especially the fruit and vegetables,for example, if you wanted kiwifruit it would cost $6:00. Fresh fruit and veggies are more expensive to farm than crops that will be processed. Fruit and vegetables tend to be more expensive than unhealthy foods e.g pineapple lumps cost $2:00 and then pineapple costs $4:99.
Foods is getting more expensive at grocery stores and restaurants.
Some companies are raising prices, while others are selling smaller portions for the same price.
At the supermarket if you wanted to buy crackers it would be only $3:00 but If you wanted to buy cucumber it would be $5:00.
So supermarkets could you please lower the prices of the food.
From Holly
This is an awesome piece of writing Holly. I like the topic you chose to write about because I also think food prices are getting more expensive. I like how you compared the prices of junk food vs fresh fruit and vegetables. Next time remember we want to introduce our learning with a statement at the beginning of your post. You also need to include you N.L and R.T